
Why is Hepatotoxicity important? Because more than 900 drugs can cause it! Hepatotoxicity simply means damage to the liver. There are many commonly known drugs out there that, when misused, can lead to hepatotoxicity.This is a very serious issue that can affect anyone. According to the FDA, drug-induced liver injury is now the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States!
The liver is a vital organ that has many functions including the production of plasma proteins, the storage of energy reserves, the excretion of bile, and the detoxification of poisons. As you can see, the liver is extremely important! Without it, our body cannot function properly.
There are many signs and symptoms of hepatotoxicity including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and jaundice. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person and are explained in more detail throughout our blog.
This issue is very important for all kinds of people because it can happen to anyone and, if left untreated, can become fatal.
Consumers must be aware of the dangers of drug-induced liver damage in order to protect themselves.
This is also an important topic for medical personnel. Knowing about hepatotoxicity will help to treat patients more effectively. Patients suffering from hepatotoxicity will be recognized faster and treated better.
Knowing about drug-induced liver damage will reduce the risk for very serious health problems.
If you are interested in learning more about hepatotoxicity, then you are in the right spot!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Although the non-medical use of anabolic steroids is illegal, it is becoming more and more common. Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, the male sex hormone. They help in the development of muscles because they retain the body’s intake of dietary protein. This is what grabs the attention of many people, especially athletes. The use of anabolic steroids can improve both the physical appearance and athletic performance of those who take them. There are two types of steroids: those that can be injected and those that can be taken orally. Some side effects of steroid abuse include:
Prostate enlargement in males
Stunted growth
Muscular dystrophy
Blood clotting changes
Birth defects


One of the long term side effects of steroids abuse is severe liver damage, especially in oral steroids. This is because most everything you ingest orally must eventually filter through your liver. The chemicals in anabolic steroids have the ability to damage liver cells, decreasing their ability to breakdown wastes and excrete them from the body. The use of steroids can also cause tumors, which can lead to many severe complications.
During the beginning of steroid-induced hepatotoxicity, jaundice is very common. Jaundice involves the yellow discoloration of eyes and skin due to the accumulation of bile in the blood. Bile is a yellow or green substance secreted by the liver that helps in absorption and digestion.
Steroids in the news:

Interesting facts about steroids:
There are more than 100 types of anabolic steroids.
Steroid abuse among adolescents is on the rise.
Most people would probably assume that the only steroid users are men. However, the Rimrock Foundation states that: steroid use is growing most rapidly among young women.
When taken by adolescents, steroids can prematurely halt growth.


  1. Wow, I knew steroids were dangerous but I had no idea just how damaging they could be! It is really sad to think that all those people take steroids just to improve their appearance. I am glad I came across this blog because now I feel like I understand more about steroids and can educate others on how they can affect your health!

  2. As a college athlete, i see a lot of kids using steroids for performance enhancement. As well i see a lot of kids using alcohol on weekends for recreational perposes. Not only does alcohol go right through and damage your liver so do steroids as you can see from this article. Its scary to think about what the long term illnesses will be for this temporary solution.

  3. my father past away years ago from the doctor over medicating him. one of the things they failed to do was to give him a liver function test. when some one is taking large amount of medication daily, this can be a very important test. it could save someone's life.

  4. yes, i agree with laura above. A liver test is most definitely needed to prevent many complications. A friend of mine was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. His doctor was going to prescribe him steroids in order to help him cope. When the doctor saw that his liver was insufficient, he could not only prescribe the steroids, but also realized there were other health problems he needed to deal with.

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