
Why is Hepatotoxicity important? Because more than 900 drugs can cause it! Hepatotoxicity simply means damage to the liver. There are many commonly known drugs out there that, when misused, can lead to hepatotoxicity.This is a very serious issue that can affect anyone. According to the FDA, drug-induced liver injury is now the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States!
The liver is a vital organ that has many functions including the production of plasma proteins, the storage of energy reserves, the excretion of bile, and the detoxification of poisons. As you can see, the liver is extremely important! Without it, our body cannot function properly.
There are many signs and symptoms of hepatotoxicity including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and jaundice. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person and are explained in more detail throughout our blog.
This issue is very important for all kinds of people because it can happen to anyone and, if left untreated, can become fatal.
Consumers must be aware of the dangers of drug-induced liver damage in order to protect themselves.
This is also an important topic for medical personnel. Knowing about hepatotoxicity will help to treat patients more effectively. Patients suffering from hepatotoxicity will be recognized faster and treated better.
Knowing about drug-induced liver damage will reduce the risk for very serious health problems.
If you are interested in learning more about hepatotoxicity, then you are in the right spot!

Saturday, February 28, 2009



Strattera is an FDA approved drug for the treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This drug is often used as a second line, which means it is given to patients who are not responding to the normal first-line medications prescribed.

What sets it apart from other ADHD drugs? Strattera is not a stimulant, which reduces the risk that it will be abused or given to someone it’s not prescribed for. This also means it can be used for patients who are not responding to stimulant-type ADHD treatments.

Recent news released this March, announces Pharmac has approved funding for this new type of drug, making it the first non-stimulant ADHD medication to receive funding of this kind. With this news and the excitement over reduced addictive properties, we may see an increase of Heathcare Professional using this medication when they suspect misuse of other ADHD prescriptions.

In 2005 the FDA instructed Eli Lilly (the company that produces Strattera) to add a warning to the product that it can cause liver damage in both adults and children, which could lead to liver failure.

Increased risked of liver damage is given to persons taking other drugs known to induce hepatotoxicity.


  1. This post particularly caught my attention because my son has just been prescribed Strattera. Hepatotoxicity is a very scary thing, especially when it can happen to your own child. Our family physician taught us about this drug, but I have learned a little more from reading this blog. I will be sure to be careful when giving my son his medication.

  2. I have heard that Strattera has the ability to cause liver damage if not taken with precaution. I will be sure to pass the site on to my friend, who takes strattera.
